Praktijk voor Osteopathie
Chris Vos MSc. DO-MRO® DPO
Van Randwijcklaan 2
3814 AL Amersfoort
Telefoon 033 - 461 75 89
Mobiel 06 - 27 21 38 91
Chris Vos is lid van de SWOO Stichting Wetenschappeljk Osteopathisch Onderzoek. Het SWOO stelt zich als doel het kennisniveau van Osteopathie in Nederland te vergroten en de professie zo goed mogelijk wetenschappelijk te onderbouwen. Denk daarbij aan het verzamelen van vakliteratuur, thesissen, richtlijnen, etc. Deze website is toegankelijk voor zowel patiënten als zorgprofessionals.
Chris Vos heeft onder andere meegeschreven aan de Richtlijn ' Osteopathie bij zwangere vrouwen' en is nu bezig mee te schrijven aan de Richtlijn ' Osteopathie bij baby's en kinderen'.
Hieronder het abstract van de masterthesis van Chris Vos ' Osteopathie en Gastro Eosophageale Reflux (Disease) (GER(D) subtitel: De rol van het diafragma in GER(D)'
The study was done to investigate the influence of an osteopathic treatment on the gastro-esophageale reflux disease GERD and the role of the diaphragm.
A two-group study-design was chosen: a test group of babys with GERD, who received osteopathic treatment (n = 14) and a control group without symptoms (n = 13). Electromyographic measurements at the diaphragm Dipha-16 were done with the test group. Measures were strength, activity, peak height and tension. The measurements were taken at the frontal, posterior and the left and right part of the diaphragm. The test group received two osteopathic treatments in a time interval of two weeks. The parents answered the I-GERQ-R three times (after each treatment and two weeks after the last treatment).The control group only answered the I-GERQ-R.
The study produced significant differences in the mean values for activity, force and peak height at the left and right diaphragm. No significant differences were found in the testings right at the treatment-situations and the final testing. However there was a decrease in the mean values for activity, force, peak height and tension. The results of the parent survey showed a significant decrease iof discomfort with the treated infants in the test group.
The investigation proved that the diaphragm plays an important role in healthy infants and infants with GERD. The effect of osteopathic treatment on various parameters of the diaphragm in infants could not be shown, but it can be assumed that the osteopathic treatment may influence the behavior of the babys and the symptoms of GERD as well. Further studies are necessary to find proof.